How to make Water Kefir?

Please watch the below videos for getting an idea about how to ferment Milk kefir when you receive your grains from Feelgood kefir. A complete instruction set is also provided along with the parcel. Please read them carefully before starting your first batch. Please note that grains are so sensitive and so please don’t guess anything and spoil your it. If you have any doubts/questions/clarifications even after reading the instruction set, and watching the videos, feel free to contact us at our WhatsApp or Email. We are happy to help you 🙂

You can also check out our FAQ page, Different Sugar for Water kefir and Kefir Flavoring page for more details.

If you need the soft copy of the instructions manual (you will get the hard copy with the product), please contact us at our WhatsApp number.

Some important tips to be noted..

  • Use only ONLY PLASTIC/GLASS jar for fermentation. Use one having a wide open mouth
  • Use ONLY PLASTIC strainer
  • DO NOT allow the grains to be in contact with any METALLIC utensils
  • No need to rinse/wash the grains everyday. Do it once in a week or two if you feel so
  • No need to even wash the Jar everyday as it can effect the growth of grains
  • Use only fresh well water (which doesn’t contain chlorine/chemical contents) or pure Mineral bottled water for rinsing grains, washing the jar and also for fermenting. We don’t even recommend filtered/RO water as it may still contain chlorine/chemical contents.
  • Feed the grains everyday. If you are out of station, please add the grains in sugar/jaggery and water keep the jar in refrigerator. And replace the sugar water at least every week if you are out for more than a week.
  • DO NOT allow the kefir to be over fermented by keeping the jar in room temperature for a long time as this may spoil your grains. When you see that the fermentation has taken place, please keep the jar in refrigerator until you strains it out for the day. In hot temperature, the fermentation will be faster. Also if more grains and less sugar water are used, fermentation will be faster.
  • The growth of the grains depends upon how well you treat it and the quality of sugar/jaggery and water, room temperature, grain to sugar to water ratio etc.
  • When you open your parcel, you may feel some odd smell (acidic). This is because the grains have been in transit period for few days in some sugar and got over fermented. You can strain it and throw away as we have described in the demo video.
  • When you start fermenting after receiving the grains from transit, the first couple of batches may not give you a proper constancy as the grains will take some time to get back to its active state from the transit period. So we recommend you to use less amount of sugar water for the first few batches (100 – 200 ml), then gradually increase the amount depending upon the requirement.
  • The ideal grains to sugar/jaggery ratio for 1 liter of water is, to use 45 grams (3 table spoons) of grains and 60 grams of jaggery/sugar (4 table spoons) and keep it in room temperature of 22-25 degree Celsius for 24-48 hours depending upon whether you are using jaggery or sugar (Using jaggery will make the fermentation faster than when you use sugar). This may vary depending upon the room temperature and the grain to sugar ratio.
  • We recommend you to use Mineral Water for fermentation as the mineral content in water is good for proper fermentation and grains growth.
  • If you use sugar, make sure it is SULPHURLESS sugar since most of the sugar available in market and Sulphur containing. Please visit this page for more information about different types of sugar for water kefir.
  • Make sure sugar/jaggery is ORGANIC as well.
  • Coconut water can be used to make water kefir. Before getting started, make sure your grains have been culturing in sugar water for at least 3 weeks prior to using coconut water. Alternate coconut water batches with sugar water batches to keep the grains healthy.
  • If you are drinking water kefir for the first time, we recommend you to start with less quantity, say 50 ml and then gradually increase the quantity.
  • For second fermentation, you have plenty of options with fruit flavors, herbs, spices etc. You can also visit our Kefir recipes page for getting some idea.
  • Also you can visit our FAQ section for a wide variety of different scenarios and questions you may encounter during your fermentation journey.
  • If you have any questions with the grains received or related to fermentation process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at our WhatsApp support number. We are happy to help you 🙂

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